Monday, November 23, 2015

Why "Terrorism" Doesn't Scare Me

Yesterday, 16 people were shot at a playground here after a second line parade.

Since yesterday morning (Nov. 22, 2015), 13 people in the United States have been shot and killed in gun-related violence. 54 people in that same time period, including yesterday's 16, were injured by guns.

Three women are killed by their partners every day.

In the last decade, over 320, 000 Americans have been killed by gun violence in the United States.

There have been just over 300 Americans killed in what we call terror attacks in the last decade.

I am not worried about Syrian refugees coming to this country, trying to escape the terror and violence in their homeland. Refugees who, under the current law, have to wait 18 months before they can enter this country because of all the background checks and interviews they have to undergo.

We're a bigger danger to ourselves than they are.

I'm much more worried about white males with delusions of white supremacy shooting up movie theaters, or schools, or churches, or blowing up federal buildings.

Not women and children.

You can call me naive, or a bleeding heart, or unAmerican. I don't think it's naive to believe the best in people, and it's VERY American to help those in need.

We have to stop the culture of fear and hate in this country and realize who the true enemies are.

Sometimes, that means looking in the mirror.

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