Monday, November 16, 2015

NaBloPoMo Update

So, as I found out, there is a equivalent for NaNoWriMo for bloggers, which is NaBloPoMo, or National Blog Post Month. I've been participating, unofficially, this month just to get myself back into writing on a regular basis. Now, halfway through, here are some reflections:

1. Coming up with topics to write about every day is usually pretty difficult. Unfortunately, world and national events right now keep throwing things my way. I would like to write about more bookish things, but my heart is elsewhere right now.

2.  I'm seriously contemplating two blogs: one for reading/bookish posts, and the other for more personal/social posting. I just feel as if this blog doesn't really have a topical focus. But maybe that's ok, too. I have a variety of interests and leanings, so maybe this blog should reflect that as well.

3.  It scares me to share some of my ideas in this format because it makes one vulnerable and open to attack. I've been extremely lucky and haven't had to deal with the hatred that some of my fellow female bloggers have, and saddened that people are attacked daily for expressing themselves.

4. It's crazy to me to think that there are people who read everything I'm writing on here. Especially when I realize I'm sharing my ideas with literally the entire world. I have had readers from England, Ireland, France, Germany, Portugal, Russia, just to name a few. I'm not sure what draws you to my blog, but I appreciate the support from the bottom of my heart!

4.  It's ok if you miss a day (or two). Last week I didn't write for two days because one of my dearest friends stopped to spend some time on her way to Florida. That was much more important than posting. Perspective is important.

5. I start and delete more posts than I actually publish.

6. I've been enjoying this much more than I thought.

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