Monday, November 30, 2015

NaBloPoMo Wrap-up

It's the last day of November, and time for a little reflection on my personal NaBloPoMo experiment:

1. I wrote 23 out of 30 days. Not too bad; a few of the non-writing days were because of out-of-town guests, a couple of the others were simply because I needed to separate myself and process everything that was going on in the world. I am really happy with my totals, though, because it was more than I ever thought I would/could write, and it pushed me.

2. Given the world/national events, most of my posts were of a decidedly political bent, which is ok, because I'm tired of being quiet on things. I have a format where I can share my thoughts with lots of people, and it would be a waste to not speak my mind. I'm still not sure if I'm going to split the content into two blogs--one more bookish--but for now, I'm going to stick with the one.

3. That being said, I do want to write more bookish content, if only for my own sanity. I've read some amazing books this year, and other than updates and wrap-ups, I haven't talked much about them. I've started doing some book tags (ideas originated on BookTube), and while I like doing those, I'd like to do some more original content as well.

4. I'm going to be working on the quality of posts I put up as well. Most of them are spur-of-the-moment bursts, rather than well-planned out ones, and while those have their place, I am capable of higher-quality writing.

5. I probably won't keep up this pace for the next month; December is always crazy with family and friends and travel and gift-buying. . . I'm still going to try to post two a week at least.

Thanks for taking this journey with me!

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