Sunday, September 11, 2016

Rabbit Hole #51: In/Out Sep. 4-Sep. 10

I have gotten a lot of reading done this week, just haven't been able to finish anything. Next week will be much more interesting. I seem to go through phases--finish three books in one week, and then nothing, and then three the next. I can't figure it out.

Recently Purchased

We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson

This has been on my radar for a while, because who doesn't like good, creepy Gothic stories?!? It also happens to be my book club's pick for this month. I'm hoping I like it better than the last two.

Recently Finished

Currently Reading

March, Book Three by John Lewis,  Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell

With all the controversy (ridiculous, if you ask me) over NFL players not standing for the National Anthem, this is the perfect book to be reading right now. 

Listen, Slowly by Thanhhà Lai

I have to keep reminding myself that this is middle grade YA, so I shouldn't really be as critical of it as I'm being. It's good, but the repetition of how miserable the angsty tween is because she has to spend her summer with her grandmother in Vietnam is getting really old. I know the whininess is realistic, it's just not lending itself to much character development. Here's hoping the last 100 pages or so gets better. 

The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon

Throw Beauty and the Beast, the Hunger Games, and 1984 together and you have The Bone Season. It's been a fun read so far, and a nice switch from the heavier literature I've been reading, but it's nothing spectacular. Probably won't continue with the series unless something truly unique happens in the last 150 pages.

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