Note: A friend of mine posted on Facebook recently that he is going to start deleting friends who post political things on the site. While his decision was based on the hatred that is obviously spilled on social media, and often surrounds posts of a political nature, I feel as if he is a bit misguided in his belief that such sites should only contain personal information, and not one's political views. While I'm not sure I haven't been deleted yet (I do post a lot of political things on my Facebook and Twitter pages, as well as on here), I offer this to him, and to anyone else who thinks that pictures of children and cat videos are the only thing that have a place on social media:
The personal IS political. Everything that we discuss politically happens because it affects a human being. Even if it's not personal to you, even if you wish people would just shut up about a topic, doesn't mean it isn't a very real, very important topic to someone else.
Reproductive Justice
Veterans' Benefits
Black Lives Matter
Health Care
Reproductive Justice
Veterans' Benefits
Black Lives Matter
Health Care
Behind each of these issues, and hundreds more, there are living, breathing human beings involved. Personally involved. They aren't abstract ideas or issues. The issues ARE the people: their lives, their families, even their deaths.
So before simply saying "I don't care about politics." Or, "I'm so tired of hearing about this issue," put yourself in someone else's shoes, someone who is directly affected by the issue you're bored of or that you think doesn't matter, and consider how they feel when you dismiss their circumstances.
And yes, keep the hate out of it. We all have to share this planet, as imperfect as we've made Her. Compassion and empathy are essential, and will go much farther than vile words and hatred.
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