Friday, June 12, 2015

On Leaving and New Beginnings

I've been musing over this post for a while now. Every time I sat down to write, it just didn't feel quite right.

I've gone through the gamut of emotions the past few weeks, from being nervous to incredibly excited, to a feeling of sadness at leaving so many amazing family members and friends, to sheer joy at FINALLY being able to call New Orleans home. Those have settled down for the most part now, to a feeling of contentment. This move was the right thing. It FEELS right.

To my family and friends back in Nebraska: I love you and miss you. That was the hardest part about leaving--saying goodbye to all of you. However, I think moving across the country today is much easier than it would have been even ten years ago. As much as we love to complain about social media, it allows us to stay connected in an instant. We no longer have to deal with collect calls and worrying about long distance charges (annnnndd... I just dated myself with that reference. Ugh.). Text messages and unlimited talk on cell phones makes connection easy. So while I miss you, we're never very far away!

And we are settling in here. As I write, it's been raining off and on all day, and the dogs and cat are snoozing. They're still getting used to all the new smells and neighbors, but they're adjusting. There are still boxes to unpack, which I'm sure there will be for a while, but we have the main areas settled and are starting to make it feel like home. Our neighbors are amazing and have been extremely welcoming. We've already been to two festivals, are going to another tomorrow; we're heading to a brewery tonight, and we are meeting fabulous people (some of which we were lucky to know before!), so boredom is definitely not an option! We're not naive about the city--we know it has its dark side, that not everything is a party. But it's more alive than any other place we've ever been. It's what has drawn us back here year after year, and why we finally decided to stay.

There will definitely be more postings on our new adventures here, so you've been warned!

Our new home

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